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Topics - MahluaandMilk

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Welcome Center / LONG TIME NO SEE >.>;;
« on: June 12, 2021, 05:39:34 AM »
Hahahaha, wow, has a lot happened in the past couple of years. I mean a lot. Like. I'm on testosterone and transitioning now. I'm engaged and moving into my first apartment with my fiance this August. I had a career direction change after issues with the college of education at my university. After a couple of years working in housekeeping, I wound up working back at Waffle House. And also somehow I wound up in the mod core circles of a weird corner of Danganronpa roleplay Discord servers.

I...really owe Coryn and some of the other guys a big apology for dropping off the face of the earth on the War Arc writing collab. It never really left my head. With so much going on, I just lost motivation to create much of anything. So, being forced out of education has actually been kind of a positive thing, because lately, my creative spark is coming back. And, now more than ever, I really want to be a part of a community who will hold me accountable and lift me up. Of course that meant coming back home.

« on: June 17, 2019, 08:10:52 PM »
I'm 22 now.

Also thanks to my therapist I've started to socially transition into manhood because uhhh my gender was repressed as heck. So figured I'd hop online to at least change my gender thing here and then I was disappointed that no one made me a birthday thread. Oh well. It's fine. The site looks slow (which is odd, considering we usually pick up in the summer.)

Oh, well. Don't expect much from me. I still have one project to finish because the guy leading it is literally paying my electricity bill (he's my roommate don't get weird ideas) and my dumb 8ss is rereading Homestuck and entering bucketphase 2.0 because one of my submissives is reading it. But that may mean more art and it definitely means I have some cosplay ideas on the horizon, especially since my roommates and I all ironically downloaded TikTok but now we're addicted and it's kind of almost a problem.

Wait can I even say that on MR? That I have a submissive? I have three of them...I talk about them all the time on Ecchiworld but Ecchiworld be like that. But what about the Mangaraiders side of things? Like, if someone mentions having a romantic partner here I see that people don't mind, but I mean as soon as you bring power dynamics up a lot of people tend to think it's some PG13 or higher stuff but like no honestly? I haven't even done anything higher than PG13 with--but I can see where people get the idea??? IDFK I'm a mess send help.

Tips and Tutorials / In Which Mahlua Rants about Common Newbie Mistakes
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:02:12 AM »
So my roommate and I watched a YouTube video last night about ten mistakes beginning artists make (it was this one for those interested in the context for this post), and upon hearing some of them, I was practically shrieking in agreement. Number 10 got me in particular. I don't remember the numbers in which some things were discussed, but I wanted to expand on a few of them a little and then tackle that one.

First of all, there are a lot of people who want to be good at art or any skill in general, but very few who are actually willing to go through the phase of absolutely sucking all the way through kinda-good and then eventually to tolerable. If you don't want to suck at first, you will not have the motivation to acquire new skills. Sorry not sorry, that's how the world works. You have to admit to yourself that in the beginning, there is a learning curve, and when it comes to art, that learning curve is massive. Some people want to be like, "Oh, but that person just picked up a pencil and created all these things!" Chances are that no, they did not just pick up a pencil and suddenly make good art. They may have a better understanding of one of the basic principles of art without really understanding how or why, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Also that person is not you, so back to the grind with you.

That said, there's the issue of criticism. You don't get to pick and choose what people notice about your art. If someone points out that something looks wonky to them, it's fair to take it with a grain of salt because maybe it's just them. But when more than two people come forward about it, and I'd even say when more than one person steps forward about it, it's something to consider. And that means you still kinda suck at that thing. Now go back and reread that paragraph just above this one. When it all boils down, most artists have things they struggle with. No one is good at everything. That's what basic skills are for and why we have two members running around doing 1000s of figures and expressions and why we share toolkits like drawabox.com and Loomis. There is always room for improvement. Even after you get past the phase where your art looks tolerable. Especially after you get past tolerable. After that point, the improvements become more nuanced and complex. That learning curve you had in the beginning? It never goes away. If it ever did, there would be a lot more good artists, but people are afraid to suck, so they don't take those learning curves. See that cycle again?

Now, onto number ten in that guy's video. I swear to the gods if we get another kid on here saying "tha's jus muh STYLE" I'm probably going to be angry enough to whack someone's spine with a crowbar. Drawing things in a way that looks incorrect to everybody else over and over again is not a "style". It's a bad habit. Styles are made up of habits, yes, but doing things in a way that's easy for you but looks terrible is only holding you back, and also is not a style proper. On top of that, controversial statement: there is such a thing as a bad style. A bad style is made up of bad habits. Can you see where this is going? Because it's going back around to "Just admit that it sucks to suck but that's how we learn."

Learning a new skill like art is a long, complicated path, and there are going to be mistakes. There are going to be times where you get so frustrated that you want to rip your paper (or digital canvas) up and never look back. If you don't hit one of those phases, you're too comfortable and aren't going anywhere any time soon. Growth only happens outside your comfort zone anyhow. You have to be flexible and try new things.

//Endrant :read:

General Manga writer discussions / The Planner, The Writer, and The Editor
« on: November 26, 2018, 06:36:45 PM »
Welp, I just made a handy little discovery (as unfortunate and stressful as I'm sure it was, megaWHOOPS). Upon making this discovery through a collaborative project I've been a part of, I've started to understand quite a bit more about my writing process, and I think some of the nuances of that process could be helpful for other writers (and maybe artists) out there.

The main bulk of it is that as an individual writer, I tend to assign myself into one of three positions. There's the Planner, Writer, and Editor. I have to switch among them frequently throughout the time it takes to complete a work.

The Planner writes the outline and broods over the plot at large, and serves as the initiator in a lot of ways. I can spend ages in the planning stages. Ideas formulate on the back burner for a long time before I have enough of the pieces for the Planner to link them together and hand it off to the Writer to execute.

The Writer then takes those little seeds and plants them along in "scenes". I call them scenes, but they can really last anywhere from about 200 words to almost 2,000. The point of a "scene" to me is that the Writer completes one of the tasks set out by the Planner and fills in any necessary blanks for the sake of keeping the story going.

And then there's the Editor. At the end of the chapter, there's general proofreading that needs to happen, of course, but the Editor's biggest headache comes when the Writer has really finished a piece. The Editor looks back over the Planner's notes and ensures all the steps have been made and makes note of where the Writer diverged from the script and the Planner had to rewrite.

I haven't really realized that this was my system because there are so few pieces that I've completed that are lengthy. In fact, until recently, I had never really written a chapter much over 2,000 words. Reset, my current in-progress story on Ecchiworld, has just broken over 30,000 words and has become the longest fic I've ever worked on individually. Somewhere along the lines, my Planner and Writer had a falling out, and I know that once I'm finished with it, the Editor will have to rewrite and polish it up again, maybe a few different times, until I'd ever be truly happy with it, let alone hypothetically sending it to a publisher (not that I would, since it's MRverse, and I consider that stuff Creative Commons). The other thing that brought this to light was that I'm currently a part of a collaborative project, and I may have utilized this method for a large section of writing and gotten a few things out of order. It was confusing for everyone involved, I think.


The main thing I'd like writers to take away from all this is this: Don't feel like you have to be Planner, Writer, and Editor all at the same time.

Or, in other words: don't feel like your first draft has to be the perfect outcome. First drafts are supposed to be crap. I know that can be hard to break out of. It was for me, but gods bless my English professors at Uni...But seriously, man. You can always go back. Just because I rarely actually go back and work on the things and let my Editor be the Editor doesn't mean that it's not possible.

Trying to make things perfect the first time around by letting the Planner and Editor meddle in the Writer's business will more than likely grind your progress to a halt. These personas conflict, a lot. Of course, don't let it be too loosey-goosey either, or you might wind up with more work for all three parties. Discipline can be learned for keeping the Writer on the Planner's tasks, and for the Editor to not throw everything out and make the Writer re-write everything. Balance is the key.

General Discussion / From Fun to Fundamentals to Not-so-Fun-Anymore
« on: July 17, 2018, 10:39:57 AM »
I've been having a kind of bizarre experience with my art lately, and I figured I'd make a thread addressing this specific issue, because I get the feeling that this hasn't just happened to me. (Frankly, I don't think I'm that special of a cookie.)

Basically this all started a couple of months ago when a friend of mine made a kind of rude comment that my art seemed to be getting worse. At first, I was offended and like, outright dismissed her because I was seeing progress in my creative process, like how quickly I was starting to get lines down and getting them to do what I wanted with less strokes, but after my recent thread in which I dug up a lot of my old art from ten to only two years ago, oddly enough I think I can actually see what she was talking about.

More recently, I've taken to trying to study the fundamentals of art. Y'know, perspective, color theory, values (which can kiss my ass), anatomy, proportions, gestures, all these things. What I've come to realize is that in doing so, I've started to dismiss my previous habits as "all wrong", when really, that might not actually be the case.

I'm honestly starting to think that it's possible to get so caught up in studying art theory that you can lose the capacity to make valuable art, because that's where I feel like I've hit rock bottom. Somewhere along the line, I stopped wanting to create and just started working on it like a job or a school subject. Being a big believer in how intention can affect outcomes, I honestly think my art reflects this change. It's become more mechanical. I used to just sit around and go, hey, let me draw this character! It'll be fun! Nowadays, I have to like, mentally prepare myself to even pick up a pencil anymore.

If anyone else has experienced this kind of bump, which I honestly suspect some of you have (and I know one of you in particular, but I don't know if you recognize it in yourself, so I'm not going to call you out on it), how do you manage it?

[[DISCLAIMER: I'm not in any way trashing the study art theory. It's incredibly important for anyone who is serious about their art and getting better to do.]]

Starter Gallery / WHEN MAHLUA WAS A BABY ARTIST (~2008-2012)
« on: July 15, 2018, 07:51:17 AM »
So I found my clipboard case that holds most of my loose paper and fallen/torn out sketchbook pages that range from like, elementary school art through maybe 2013 at most. I blurred out my signatures, although they changed a lot and I rarely used the same name. These are just some of the highlights from my first comb-through, but there is a lot more cringe contained within that I may post eventually. I have two other sketchbooks that are full that mostly encompass my 2013-2016 era.

So why am I doing this? Well, frankly, I suck at art, but I used to suck a lot harder. This one is for all the artists who currently feel like they suck a lot. YOU SUCK LESS WITH TIME, I PROMISE. JUST LOOK AT ME. Or maybe don't. I'm a terrible role model. But at least I try to keep a sense of humor about it.

Cringe Carnage

Wow look at that obviously copied stuff from how-to-draw manga books by clearly American artists. Mmm-mmm.

Pretty sure this is an OC for Marchen Awakens Romance (MAR).

How do perspective eyeballs lmfao.

What is an ear? And wow look at that weeb-ass tryina be Japanese-ass name. Yiiiiiikes.

Well here I know we've gone from elementary to middle school. Legs actually look like they can carry weight, maybe, but that's the least of these guys' problems...

Everything from here on is like, eighth grade to like freshman year of high school ish in appearance and I really can't tell between 2010 and 2012 any major differences so I just hope I have some sense of chronology right in my head.

Yay massive OC group shots!

Pretty sure I scrapped this idea from my OC canon...they're twins, anyway.

What is a spine?

And this is why Mahlua doesn't draw backgrounds.

Maybe they won't notice I suck as much if I use chibi art to hide broken proportions! Haha! Also hey look some of Everlastin's OCs.

Weird Vocaloid fanart. This just in: humans are now tubes. Or balloon animals. Or something.

Sure, guys' legs work like that. Why not? Also, what are hands and ink shading?

Get a load of this edgy sh!t. (Owen Wilson "wow".mp3)

Unfortunately still probably the best background I've ever drawn smh.

Seriously this character was like, half of this damn case.

And then there was that time I was like, "but what if they were some kind of wereboy and could become a dude?" Also what is depth?

Well this probably sucks the least except they're supposed to be like the same age so whatever. Also #owtheedge continues.

break Room / Happy Birthday Coryn!
« on: July 11, 2018, 01:07:19 PM »
I'm amazed I'm the first one who noticed that on today's forum stuff. Or at least, the first to make a thread about it.

Happy Birthday to the lurking cyborg who helped make MR the whacky, tacky goodness that it is.

Comics and other Gallery / Mahlua's Voice Acting/Goof Booth
« on: July 07, 2018, 02:44:26 AM »
Yeah I've never been any official projects that got off the ground (there was that one time I was invited to a Strawberry Panic fandub...like I said, never really got off the ground) but I'm sorta known in my group of friends for doing voice stuff. I have a Soundcloud. I have audacity. I have an okay headset. What kind of stupid nonsense do you guys want me to get up to?

I try to make a demo tomorrow-ish. My vocal range is like...starting from a maybe little lower than Urbosa from the new Zelda game to pure on neko loli girl status. I made a drunk guy stumble over once because I switched from my low to high on a dime. I've been working on trying to get better at sounding masculine, but sometimes it still sounds like a forced accent.

Or if you want me to try parody/character impressions that's cool too. Not like I'm making money on any of this.

For that demo, though, why don't y'all give me some tropes or themes you want me to try to explore?

Congrats everyone. We started July 4th, 2007. MR turns 11 years old today. Here's to the hopes of many more years of whacky tacky music, manga, art, writing, friends, and spam ninjas.


CosPlay / Does Drag Count As Cosplay?
« on: June 24, 2018, 02:39:07 PM »
Well, I've mentioned before that I do some Drag King stuff on the side (and it got me into some trouble with Mom yesterday, actually--yikes!).

Here he is. Drag King: Evan Essence.
He got his name by being the biggest edgelord they scraped out of a 2008 trashcan.

picture dump
mostly from Instagram
first performance:

first faux-beard attempt

first beard plus new wig attempt

after another show, took wig off in a restaurant

« on: June 16, 2018, 12:00:03 AM »
Now someone go buy me a beer.

General Discussion / Opening Commissions!
« on: May 14, 2018, 02:00:08 PM »
Welp, I'm finally biting the bullet, guys. I opened up 10 slots for flat color busts/badges on FurAffinity and 5 open slots on DeviantART (Oh yeah, I have a DeviantART now, even though it's still a work in progress). That said, I'll also be opening up my commissions here. But, more than that, I think it's important to discuss some of the weirdness that comes with opening commissions for the first time and I wanted to make a thread about it.

So like, where would one list one's commission prices here on MangaRaiders for example? How do you know how to price yourself?

I don't know the answer to the first one, but there are two things to keep in mind for the second one: first of all, time yourself and your art and give yourself the opportunity to make minimum wage. This is a job, after all. Secondly, take a look at what other people offer and how their "level" compares (or doesn't) to yours. You'll often find that even if you don't think you're very good, there are people out there who outright suck who are probably making more than what you'd originally offer. Don't down yourself.

Also, a word about slots: don't overwork yourself. Set a limit as to how many commissions you'll take. This prevents you from overdoing it and getting in over your head from the start.

Any further questions, comments, concerns, smart remarks, insults, and etc. are welcomed.

Video / PC Games / The Galerians Franchise
« on: December 30, 2017, 02:51:34 AM »
A thought struck me while I was making my post earlier about what games I may or may not play next. I've only ever met one other person who knew about the Galerians franchise before meeting me (and believe me, after meeting me, it's hard to have a discussion about video games where I don't somehow find a way to bring it up).

Just out of curiosity, does anyone else happen to know of (and potentially be a fan of) the series?

For those of you who don't know, the first Galerians game was released on the Playstation, with a sequel released on the Playstation 2. They also used 3d animation similar to the cutscenes of the second game to make 3 OVAs that followed the story of the first game and released it on a DVD that made it over to the West. The first game is simply titled Galerians, and the sequel is titled Galerians: Ash, and the OVA/movie is titled Galerians: Rion.

Now, I'll be the first to tell you that these games have not aged well at all. Their mechanics, as far as I can tell from old reviews, were stale even for their time. There's just one thing that keeps dragging me back to this franchise though: the story (and arguably the characters).

Apparently there used to be a fanbase for it, and there's lots of fanart that's still out there, but the only posts you see these days is about how dead the fandom is and how we're never going to get our remakes or the third game that was sorta teased in a bonus cutscene after beating the second game. Seeing as I don't have any console that came out past the DS, I don't know if either of the games are on the PSN, but from what I gather, I don't think they are.

So...that all said, what I'm kinda hoping to do here is to gauge how many raiders are some of the scattered remnants of that fandom, or maybe introduce some of you to the fact that it's a thing that exists. I'm kinda sick of being the only one I know who knows anything at all about it. Besides, part of me really wants to get into doing fanart of the series, maybe even a cosplay of Rion if I ever get half the chance. Rather blatantly, I want to try to revive it. Best way I can think to do that is to talk about it.

Manga Creations / MRverse: The Great Raid of 2017
« on: December 26, 2017, 03:31:56 PM »
It's that time of year again, folks, and now Coryn and I can reveal that secret little project we've been working on for a while now. If you've read the title of the thread, you can probably already guess it--so without any further delay, I hope all of us here on MangaRaiders can come together for another year of adventure, triumph, and panties.

As night falls over MR City on December 26th, 2017, all is quiet. Street lights hum to life in the early darkness. Strings of colored Christmas lights and garlands hang from storefronts and rooftops. Soft Christmas melodies play on street speakers, and a gentle snow begins to fall. All is quiet, and all is at peace.

This is where our story begins. Hush now children, and listen to our tale.
The night was quiet and at peace, because no Raider with half a brain would be caught outside after sundown on December 26th, for this is the night of The Great After Christmas Panty Raid: an annual MangaRaiders tradition in which Raiders navigate the city-turned-booby-trapped-death-maze in order to 'raid’ a symbolic set of panties. To anyone who can complete this task, the reward is a night spent with the Ecchi Twin of their choice. It is, of course, the job of the Twins to stop the Raiders at all costs. There was no room for compassion on either side. One team would stand victorious come morning, and since the raid’s conception, that team had been the Twins, without fail.

This night, another team of Raiders set out to change that.

“I'm getting a little feedback on the conversation matrix again. Raising power to compensate. Increase frequency just a tad,” said Coryn, who sat hovering in the center of a large shield bubble.

“Realigning now,” replied Mahlua, sitting on the inside wall of said bubble, slowly orbiting Coryn as they conversed.
Unlike Coryn's regular bubbles, magical symbols snaked around the surface, courtesy of Mahlua. Coryn looked past them, and then past the eleven other bubbles that enclosed the bubble he and Mahlua occupied. Between each bubble layer were sandwiched smaller bubbles, each of which contained a member of the Raider’s team, for a total of twenty-seven. And then at the very top, Coryn perceived Lego, whose legs were firmly held in place by two special cells of Coryn's hexagonal shield pattern.

Atop the outermost shield, Lego pulled his coat in tightly to fight off the chill of the night. Despite locating their launch site at ground level, by the time the final bubble had been constructed, Lego had found himself easily five stories in the air.

He gazed off at MR Tower and tugged gently at his legs. In addition to being held by the bubble, Mahlua's magics were clinging to his legs. They reminded him of veins. Or spider webs. Purple, softly glowing spider webs. Lego let fly a shiver unrelated to the cold, and flicked on the radio in his ear. “Are you sure about this Coryn? Last time I tried this I set the atmosphere on fire…” He gave it another moment’s thought. “And then I killed you! Remember that time I killed you?”

Coryn's voice came in with a heavy static, no doubt the effect of the multiple shields. “Hard to forget. Just keep it to about ten percent power.”

“Roger that. Ready and waiting.”

Coryn finished the last of his calculations. The mad pulsing of his eyes returned to standard pace, and he switched over to an open broadcast. “Okay Raiders, we are approximately t-minus five minutes. Let's run through the plan one last time, with feeling!

“Thanks to last year's raid, we have finally determined the specific room within the tower where the finish line is located. Now, last year's strategy of divide and conquer went understandably poorly, so this year we are taking the exact opposite approach. Our target is in sight, and we will be taking the most direct attack.

“By combining Mahlua's ability to store magical energy with my force fields, we have created a positive feedback loop of power. This allows me to create a stronger shield, and is why you are staring at a kaleidoscope of hieroglyphs right now. This excess energy is also being fed to Lego up top... say hello Lego.”


“Thank you Lego. The excess energy is being fed to Lego up top in order to power his Himmlisch Uzustand transformation, while simultaneously conserving his own power. He will be providing our offensive capabilities, while my shields will provide the defense. We are calling this construct the ‘Magic Bullet’--which brings me to your part.

“Should the outer shell fail, Lego will be brought down to the next level via the special tether cells at his feet. However, your own personal bubbles are being powered by the potential between the shield layer above you, and the one below you. If you're outer shell goes down, you will have approximately three seconds before your personal bubble breaks as well. Use this time to prepare yourself. Once your bubble is gone, it becomes your job to distract and delay the twins for as long as possible. This will only be effective as long as both Twins are engaged. They will surely realize our plan quickly. If one of them is free to attack us, we will not make it. This is why there are two of you in between each shell. Once again, I apologize to those of you who drew the short straw, and ended up towards the outside of the Bullet.

“To whomever makes it to the treasure room itself: make sure to claim the prize at the same time as those around you. We don't know if they will allow for multiple victors, (seeing as how there have been no victors at all), so our best bet is to aim for simultaneous victory.

“Finally, to all of you I say: Good luck, and Godspeed. May your sacrifices not be in vain.”

The Bullet fell silent. All within waited with bated breath for the signal to begin.


Across town, past the mechanized horrors, the hidden traps, the pitfalls, the winding roads and chilling winter wind, waited the twins.

The pair wore their usual sexy Santa get-ups, seemingly unaffected by the chill. Ecchi-tan surveyed the horizon, wooden sword in hand. She scrunched her nose up, discontentment spreading on her face. “It doesn't make any sense Lewd, it's like they're just missing. Do you think we scared them off?”

Lewd-tan leaned against a structural support, a piece of ribbon candy rolling around on her tongue. “They'll be old and gray before they give up.”

“Then how come I can't feel them?” pouted Ecchi.

Lewd smiled back at her, hard candy clenched between her molars. “It's not that they ain't there Sis. It's that they AIN'T there.”


“If they weren't playin’ tonight, we'd still be able to sense 'em. But they're missing entirely. There's a hole where they should be.”

A look of understanding dawned on Ecchi-tan's face. “Ooh! I get it! They're hiding from us on purpose! But won't we figure it out once they set off the traps?”

Lewd-tan crunched through the rest of her candy and approached the roof’s edge. “Let's find out.” She raised her arm, and swiped it across to her left. The air parted, a vacuum formed, and as it collapsed back in on itself, a sonic boom was sent racing across the city, officially announcing the start of the games.


The participants knew the game had started long before the shock wave had blasted a wave of snow that hit them. At one mile off, Mahlua maximized her power output. At five-hundred yards, Coryn reinforced the exterior shields. At ten feet, Lego set the world on fire.


The initial wave of heat melted the snow to water. The second, coming in only a fraction of a fraction of a second later, vaporized that water to gas. By the time the third wave was past, the gaseous atoms had long since ceased to be, and only existed as a smattering of sub-atomic particles dancing wild through the ether.

Coryn waited for his shields to break, but they never did. Even without squinting he could see Lego now: golden clothes, afro a great flaming mass, and a long blade of fiery darkness. His radio wouldn’t have survived, so a few prearranged seconds after the signal, Coryn initiated the warp effect of his shields, and sent the Bullet screaming into the night.
Lego knew the course well. He had run it every year since its inception after all. The first obstacles were the living bindings. Ropes, leather straps, chains, all flew against his might. They never stood a chance. He didn’t even lift his sword. Next came the spring and other mechanically driven traps. Lego directed his will against them, and they too crumbled. Still, his sword remained at rest.

Mahlua reforged her sigils to meet their opposition. The shields needed new sigils at a mind-boggling rate. The makeup of Coryn’s shields were changing constantly. Lego’s meager weight shifts above caused reality to shiver. Amazingly, they were already three quarters of the way to the tower. The magic detected that Lego was finally swinging his blade. They were encountering missiles and moving landscape by now. The Twins were almost certainly getting ready for them. You can’t send something like what they had constructed blasting on a straight line through the city without raising attention. It was now that the plan would tell. Make or break time, and Mahlua had to prepare the grand finale. So far she had been concentrating on just a single concept: “Forward”. It was time to change tact.


It had been hard for the Twins to get a grasp on what exactly they were looking at. Still unable to feel any energy signatures, they could only guess what the flaming comet heading their way actually was. It wasn’t until too late that Lewd-tan finally recognized the flaming figure glued to the front of the thing.

“WHAT THE F---?!”

She was cut off as the Bullet abruptly changed direction and smashed right into her. Lewd impacted on the bubble itself, but the outer shell was glowing red with the heat, and her pristine fur collar came away from it looking more black bear than polar.
“Sis, language!” shouted Ecchi-tan.

“Not now!” yelled Lewd. “We gotta stop that thing!”

But the Bullet had become insanely aggressive. It had been obvious to everyone that if Lewd or Ecchi were left standing by the time the team were inside the tower, then they would almost certainly destroy the Raiders. They could have rushed the treasure room directly, but the prized garments would disappear in Lego’s fire before they could have broken through the wall and disassembled the Bullet. There was then, only one possible course of action. Team Raider was going to take the Twins to battle then and there.

The Bullet looped around in the air and struck at Ecchi-tan. She and her fire were without a doubt the greatest combat threat, but Lego wasn’t feeling very scared of being burned at the moment. As for her physical strength, he suspected he was about to give her a run for her money.

The two collided. Lego was surprised that her wooden sword didn’t turn to charcoal before him, but that was a Tan’s weapon for you. He was more than satisfied when Ecchi failed to stop their advance, and they collectively sent her into the ground.

Lewd-tan watched her sister disappear into the earth, quickly followed by a giant flaming orb. She knew her twin was strong enough to take the abuse, but even she had to question how long it would before she would get back up after a hit like that. But Lewd wasn’t about to sit on her hands and wait for them to come back up. She immediately set to work gathering snow. It came to her call both from the drifts on the streets below and from the sky above where it still fell. Above her a great and inverted spire formed--a spike of ice infused with Tan energy and amassed to the size of a small skyscraper. If this didn’t stop them, she wasn’t sure anything she could summon up would.

She briefly considered that she may actually have to swallow her pride that night, but she was cut off when the Bullet burst from the ground below her. Lego was at the front of it, but to her great surprise, Lewd realized that Ecchi was still engaged with the flaming force. For a moment she despaired. It wasn’t in her nature to sacrifice others; however, in this case, she believed that history would vindicate her actions.

“Sorry Sis! But you’re gonna have to get out of the way pretty damn quick!” Lewd-tan lashed out with her whip and encircled the spike, and with the kind of resolve only achieved when one’s back is firmly against a wall, launched the frosty projectile right at her beloved twin sister’s back.
Lego of course, could see the spear coming. This left him with a conundrum. He could either, A: Let Ecchi-tan take the brunt of the hit, and give the team their greatest chance at victory. Or he could take Option B: Throw Ecchi-tan out of the way like the true gentlemen he knew himself in his heart-of-hearts to be, saving her, but most definitely blowing a hit to their possibility of success.

To Lego, there was no question at all.

“Goodbye, my sweet banana!”

“My sweet what?” replied Ecchi-tan. She was going to follow up on the inquiry, but Lego grabbed her by the collar and sent her flying into a nearby rooftop. She groaned and shook herself out of the crater, glaring in the direction of the Bullet. She then understood the scope of her peril only moments before, and made a silent vow to thank Lego for it later.

Meanwhile, Lego raised his dark blade, and drew out every last bit of energy he could from Mahlua’s magic. “Let’s go! Bankai!”

He fell upon the tip of the spear. It shattered before him, giving way to his magnificent heat.

To an outside observer, perhaps an observer who had seen too much anime, this would have looked like the climactic event from the big final battle. The attack is broken, the heroes emerge victorious. Everyone goes home happy. This is because this outside observer would have seen too many people walk away from the epicenters of massive explosions without so much as a scratch, and indeed, if the hero is hurt in any way, it’s nothing a few bandages won’t fix.

Unfortunately for our heroes, steam explosions are no laughing matter. Especially when that steam was just until moments before, a Tan magic infused block of ice the size of a ten story building.

The outermost bubble failed almost instantly, much to the chagrin of those Raiders in the farthest orbit. Equally annoyed were those in the next six levels down. It goes without saying that their personal bubbles failed to survive until their hypothesized three seconds of residual power ran out. On the upside, Coryn’s tether cells held up under the stress, in no small part thanks to Mahlua’s magic running through them, and Lego found himself replanted on the much diminished Bullet.

Lego scanned the sky to see if he could spot either of the Twins, but they were out of sight, along with several of the buildings that usually surrounded MR Tower. Not wasting any time, Coryn redirected the Bullet towards where they knew the treasure room to be. Lego reverted his transformation, using the last of its strength to smash through the wall. The remaining Bullet finished the DIY entry, and once fully inside, Coryn broke the whole system apart, depositing himself, Lego, Mahula, Forlorn Serpent, Devola, Eukocar, and three other Raiders within the gilded space.

Before them lay their metaphorical prizes. A pair of panties hung neatly on a line, each representing one of the Twins. Whichever they grasped, would be the twin that they would spend the night in the loving embrace of.

To be honest, no one standing in the room that night really believed they would make it. A lesser team would break into anarchy at this point, but they were no amateurs. They had drilled day-in and day-out for this moment. As one they split into two teams, sorted by the prize they sought. Coryn and Mahlua headed up Team Lewd, four other raiders in tow. Lego headed Team Ecchi, with his own pair of comrades. Together they reached the far end of the room, reached out their hands, and with one final, terrified look over their shoulders, took firm hold of their destinies.

This children, is the part of the tale where I would like to tell you that all nine of those Raiders went on to enjoy a night of licentious bliss with a beautiful woman. I wish I could tell you of how they all went away from those nights, fully satisfied in every sense of the word.

I wish I could tell you that story children, but alas, I cannot. Because none of those Raiders had succeeded in that moment. Oh yes, they really did reach that treasure room, and they really did touch those sacred and silky delicates. But that is not the end of our story. No, dear children, our story is only beginning.


break Room / Official Homestuck Classpect Quiz!
« on: November 28, 2017, 04:08:18 PM »
I don't know how long ago this was made, but ayo, it's not too bad. I hate quizzes that are all "what's your favorite color"--and this has none of that.


Here's the link for everyone, and, for all curious parties, I am either Blue or Gold Sign Class, Prospit Dreamer, and Space Aspect.

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