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Author Topic: Ryusuke Tanaka (title is nonexistent)  (Read 2451 times)

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Offline Zero_Ichimura

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Ryusuke Tanaka (title is nonexistent)
« on: October 08, 2008, 06:30:55 PM »
so yah first off this is the first story i ever wrote, and i wrote it while watching beck hence the name ryusuke tanaka. anyway tell me wat u think.

Chapter 1

   Crag quivered in fear as he waited outside the engraved, double doors leading to the chamber of Voljin the Mighty. It was here that he would deliver his report of failure to the current lord of the City of the Damned. A ghoul ushered him into the throne room and Crag tentatively walked forwards.
   “My lord” Crag whispered as he knelt at the throne of the demon lord.
   “Yes slave?” replied Sai, the ruler of Voljin.
   “We have scowered the kingdom of Tulgra my lord, but we have found no one suitable to ascend the throne.”
   “UNACCEPTABLE! You know the prophecy has foretold the heir to the demon king rests to the kingdom of the east.”
   “We have been trying but as of yet we know of no one who has been filled with enough rage to carry on our legacy”
   “Have you been following my orders?”
   “Yes my lord, we have been destroying all villages that have not helped out cause in the means you suggested.”
   “Then you must simply continue until you find the Chosen One”
   “Yes my lord, so far we have already destroyed have of the western villages, and the cities of Senka, Dior, and Tira. Next we will attack the nomads and the city of Sharnok.”
   “Excellent, you may proceed in your search Commander Crag, but do not report back to me until you have found the one destined to lead us to greatness.”
   “Yes my lord.” Crag withdrew from the chamber of Voljin with all the speed he could muster fearing the wrath of the hierarch he had disappointed.
   Sai, now alone to his thoughts, began to contemplate how best to make the candidate for the throne into what he needed. As an idea dawned on him he raised his head to the sky and let out a cackle heard from the streets below his tower.

   “Father where are we going?” Hiro asked.
   “Your mother and I were asked to find food for the village tonight, and we thought it would be good if you boys learned how to hunt.”
   The four of them- Orien the Blacksmith, Aria the Weaver, and their two sons, Hiro and Ryusuke- trekked through the wood, gathering all  the fruits  they could find.  Just after the boys had gathered up an armful each of red apples, they spotted a wounded doe in the clearing ahead.
   “Father, Father, come look what we found” chanted Ryusuke as he skipped off toward Orien.
   “What is it my son?”
   “Come see!” Ryusuke nearly screamed and then abruptly turned and half ran back to Hiro.
   As Orien approached he saw the doe, and dropped to one knee. “This is a good find my sons, you have earned the respect it deserves,” and then he handed both boys a long, thin dagger.
   Ryusuke, being a boy of five, didn’t have much skill with a knife and didn’t believe he could kill it. “You can kill it Hiro, you’re the oldest.”
   “Yes, Hiro I too think this doe belongs to you,” Orien said, clapping him on the shoulder.
   “Yes father” was all Hiro said before he dove into the brush.
   Orien and Ryusuke watched as Hiro snuck up behind the doe. He ducked down and stabbed the creature in the side. “ Look father I did it!” Hiro exclaimed, as he dragged the limp carcass through the clearing toward his waiting father and brother.
   He was but ten feet from them when he was attacked but a Garand, a large, vicious, black furred wolf. Hiro screamed as the Garand lowered its head to give the killing blow.
   Ryusuke, filled with terror and rage, screamed and charged toward the Garand, hoping to free his brother.
   As he ran, long wings, like a bats, ripped from his back, his skin turned an unearthly blue, fangs sprouted from his gums, and claws ripped from his fingertips.
   The transformed child attacked the Garand with claw and fang. Ryusuke tore at the beast with all the fury he could muster. By the time his anger had dissipated,  the garand was just a pile of dismembered  limbs.
   When Ryusuke transformed back into his normal state, his father ran out to him and hugged him tightly.
   “Ryusuke that was wonderful, you not only saved your brothers life, but you are beginning to realize your vast potential.” Orien swung Ryusuke up onto his shoulders and bellowed “Aria! Where are you?”
   Aria burst through the foliage and came to a halt in front of her husband. “What is it dear?”
   “Ryusuke transformed into the first time!” Orien announced with a wide grin on his face.
   “Incredible” was all Aria could say, then she kissed her son on the forehead.
   “We are so proud of you son”
   Orien walked to the carcasses of the Garand and the doe and called back to Aria and Ryusuke, “Come let’s get this meat back to the village before it gets to late.”
   As the three walked to the edge of the clearing, Orien turned and almost as an after thought called out for Hiro to come. Hiro rose from the ground and sullenly joined the rest of his family.
   As the four walked back to Sharnok, an explosion shook the earth beneath their feet, throwing the family to the ground.
   “What was that?!” Orien bellowed over the din.
   “I have no idea father, but I’m going to find out!” Hiro yelled back, and without another word dashed off toward the village.
   “We should go back into the woods where its safer” Aria called to her husband.
   Grabbing Ryusuke, Orien and Aria retreated back into the forest, where they began to set up camp. As Aria made a fire she wondered how her son was fairing, if he was ok or if all was not well in Sharnok and he had perished with the others.
   While Orien cooked the doe over the fire, a piercing screech shattered the deep calm that had settled on the forest. The family turned their heads to the sky searching for the source of the sound. Orien drew his large, two-handed sword, with no more then a whisper emitting from the unsheathed blade.
   Ryusuke watched in silent fear as his father circled their camp in search of the danger. Finding nothing, he began to walk back to the fire.
   Then a dark blue mass, about half the size of a normal man, came streaking toward Orien.
   Ryusuke screamed and pointed behind his father to the oncoming shadow.
   Aria whirled and saw the creature rapidly descending towards Orien and flung her dagger at it. The blade cut the beast on the top of its wing, but it flew on.
   As Orien turned to face the creature hurtling towards him, he found himself face to face with an imp, which is a young demon.
   The imp bit and scratched, tearing at Orien’s bare flesh. The imp flew behind Orien and bit his calf, and the burly man fell to the ground. The imp perched on Oriens head and absent-mindedly cut his temple, leaving him to die.
   The it raised its head, sniffed the air, and turned its haunting eyes to Aria. A small grin crossed its face and its eyes alighted with the chance to kill again.
   “Run Ryusuke, run and don’t look back!” she screamed to him, with a look of sheer desperation in her eyes.
   Ryusuke snatched up his father’s dagger and ran from that place, running deeper and deeper into the wood. As he ran he heard a scream and a high pitched cackle. Tears leaped into his eyes and clouded his vision, but he ran on. When he couldn’t run any longer he stopped and sat with his back against a tree.
   As he caught his breath he thought he heard the sound of a waterfall not to far away. He hurried to the sound and found himself confronted by the largest waterfall he’d ever seen. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and for a brief moment all his troubles and fears were whisked away and all the breath left his body as he was consumed by the waterfall.
   When he came to his senses he realized he was exhausted, and he knew he would need a safe place  to spend the night incase the

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Re: Ryusuke Tanaka (title is nonexistent)
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 06:57:29 PM »
its not bad condsidering it was your first story but why did you just stop in the middle of a sentence?

Will review stories upon request. My latest arc: http://goo.gl/KYgsfF

Offline Zero_Ichimura

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Re: Ryusuke Tanaka (title is nonexistent)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 08:08:51 PM »
imp returned. He searched the ground for a suitable bush or for a patch of tall grass that could conceal him. Finding nothing he looked to the cliff face. About fifty feet above the ground there was a small cave recessed in the wall.
   Ryusuke walked to the rock face, and began his climb. It took him only a few minutes, but he found himself barely able to lift himself up by the time he made it to the opening. He staggered into the cave a few feet into the cavern, and curled up on the cold stone. Although his body welcomed the rest, his mind was tortured by the images of a faceless man, his murdered parents, people burning, the imp’s grinning face, and the endless screams of a suffering kingdom.

yah i unno y that happend heres the rest